All Member Benefits


At RAM, we are continuously working to offer you new service opportunities, as well as improve the programs that we currently offer. Below are some of our various cost-saving services and programs available to you with your RAM Membership:

Interested? Become a member today!  Click here to JOIN NOW!






Click here to watch our Chocolate and Connections webinar (recorded on June 14, 2023) to learn more about the RAM savings on Workers' Comp and Payroll.


Disclaimer:  Some RAM member services have specific eligibility criteria which may limit member qualification based upon such factors as state regulatory requirements, average employment numbers, experience rating and services usage history, industry segmentation exclusions, as well as pricing based on company historical data.  In order to deliver the best quality services at the lowest and fairest costs for all members under regulatory and market place standards, it should be noted that not all RAM services will fit all RAM members.  But please note that your Association works hard to deliver the lowest cost, broadest eligibility, and best services to all our members.  If your company does not fit our eligibility or cost savings criteria for a certain service, we remain confident that our entire list of services will deliver to you multiple options to save on your bottom line, and to allow you to more than recover your investment in the Retailers Association of Massachusetts.