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Moving Ahead on Sales Tax Ballot Question

Moving Ahead on Sales Tax Ballot Question

RAM’s membership overwhelmingly decided this week to move forward with an effort to put a sales tax ballot question before the voters that would reduce the state sales tax to 5% and mandate an annual sales tax holiday.

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Smart Tax Policy Protects the Home Team

April 28, 2017 by Jon Hurst

"Don’t tax you, don’t tax me, tax the fellow behind the tree;” so said former Louisiana Senator Russell B. Long when describing “tax reform.”  This is a pretty clear description of the political process behind tax debates at the state and federal levels.  And this message is worth keeping in mind as we face major tax changes and debates over the next year on Capitol Hill concerning the Border Adjustment Tax; and on Beacon Hill and the state ballot on the so-called Millionaires Tax.

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MA Holiday Sales Disappoint with 1% Drop

January 9, 2017  By Jon Hurst

Despite seeing consumer confidence levels unmatched for the last 15 years, retail sales in Massachusetts dropped 1% among the 4000 members of the Retailers Association of Massachusetts this holiday season (Nov-Dec).  The RAM survey exclusively measures small, locally based sellers, and does not reflect either national chains or online sellers.  RAM had previously projected a 3.9% increase over the prior year.  The disparity in the projection coupled with the strong consumer confidence levels raises the question whether consumers truly spent less this holiday season, or sent more of their dollars out of state to online sellers.

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Shop Like Jobs Depend On It -- Because They Do! #BuyInMA

The retail sector is the most competitive industry on the planet, which translates into the slimmest of profit margins for employers.  Competition from sellers across the street, in the next town, next state, or from across the country on the internet has only become more keen due to the unlimited power and information consumers can receive right on their smartphone.

That competition has created many admirable efforts to urge local spending and remind shoppers to visit our Main Streets.  From Shop Local, to Small Business Saturday, to RAM’s December BuyInMA local radio ad campaign, efforts are growing, but we must sustain our focus.
This holiday shopping season is going well and we need to carry that momentum into 2017.  If we all want a vibrant and thriving downtown in our hometowns across the Commonwealth, we all need to do our part.  Keep beating the Shop Local drum.  Talk to the small business owners in your town and listen to their concerns – they are closest to the consumer and really do have their finger on the pulse of the local economy.  They employ your family, friends and neighbors and are a vital component to the health of your local economy and your community. 
Shop and spend at your local retailer…shop like jobs depend on it, because they do.   
Happy holidays and best wishes in the New Year!
From your friends at,
The Retailers Association of Massachusetts