January 26, 2017 by Jon B. Hurst, President
ObamaCare (ACA) is under the microscope for repeal and replacement this year in Washington DC. And here in Boston, yet another state commission on healthcare provider prices is grappling with the fact that in the 11 years since we passed RomneyCare, our healthcare costs have annually increased about 4 times the rate of inflation. Unfortunately for Main Street, those increases haven’t been spread equally either—small businesses and their employees have seen far higher premium increases than those experienced by big business or big government programs.
Despite a good economy, these are troubling times in Massachusetts due to the interwoven healthcare cost issues affecting employers, consumers and taxpayers.
Local small businesses, employees and consumers have seen their premiums rise far faster than their sales and family incomes. RAM members have reported average annual premium increases of 12% each year over the past decade. Likewise, state government has seen their costs for subsidized commercial and Medicaid plans under ObamaCare rise as well, as a significant number of consumers have made the ACA incented, financial decision to take the very generous, low cost, taxpayer subsidized options through the Connector.